5 Easy Tips for Managing Your New Dog
Managing your new dog is a case of trial, error, and patience. Whether a puppy or a rescue dog, there’s no guarantee this will be easy, but it could literally be a walk in the park.
Try to Address Anxiety Concerns
There are many typical anxiety triggers, including loud noises, strange smells, and new environments. Dogs may also act out due to stress. Sometimes even calm dogs will become destructive when stressed. And if your dog acts out, it may be tempting to punish it. Withholding food or striking the animal are examples. However, both methods are cruel and could encourage aggression to the point where you need a dog bite lawyer to get you out of trouble when your dog responds to being punished this way.
Address Bad Behavior at the Root Level
There was once a widespread acceptance of cruel dog training practices. However, these have since been disproven. Rewarding or punishing dogs does not affect their behavior. In reality, they behave instinctively depending on their breed or sub-breed. Dogs function on a psychological level comparable to humans. They also differ in many other ways. For instance, you can’t tame an aggressive dog by whipping it. In order to correct the dog’s bad habits, it is more important to analyze the dog’s motivations and address the underlying causes.
Teach Them to Come on Command
You may not be able to get your dogs to come to you when you call their name. When you take them out, you may have to search for them. Even though it may be embarrassing and infuriating, never scold your dog for not responding. They will associate their name with negative reinforcement. Instead, call the dog by a word in order to get their attention. It might be a word like “come” or a whistling noise. If your dog responds to your call, give him lots of praise and treats. They will associate treats and love with responding to a call by doing this.
Managing Your New Dog’s Howling
Howling is a typical disruptive behavior exhibited by dogs. Most likely, this is going to happen when you are away from home at work. This will not be appreciated by your neighbors. Fortunately, there are some things you can do. You could ignore the howling, acknowledge the dog’s presence and reward them when they stop. Never give them treats when they are loud, as this will make them think they can howl for food. When they stop howling, use nice words like “Good boy” and praise them. You may not know the cause, but most dogs stop eventually.
Feed Your Dog Appropriately
Food is always on their minds for dogs. But they rely on you for food, so they usually know where their next meal is coming from instinctively. But they can still be greedy, and puppies will gorge themselves if left unsupervised. Therefore, dog health is boosted by teaching them good eating habits, as they will eat anything if left unattended. But with some training, you can stop this from happening. When you eat, keep your dog out of the room, and feed them only what they need. And try not to give them snacks during the day or feed them from the dining table, or if you really must, give them health treats like carrots or spinach, yes really – https://www.nextritionpet.com/blogs/nutrition/can-dogs-eat-spinach.
It’s sometimes challenging to train a new dog how to behave. But you can help by addressing the root cause of behavior rather than punishing, which might cause more anxiety in your dog.