How You Can Encourage More Physical Activity in Your Baby
From those first adorable wiggles to the energetic kicks, watching your baby explore their newfound mobility is an exciting part of parenthood. But sometimes, these little movements just might not be enough. Yes, even your little baby needs to get moving too! It’s actually one of the best ways to get them to sleep better. As you know, when your child gets older, you’ll need to encourage physical activity, but it’s the same when they’re a baby; they’ll need that little boost of encouragement.
In general, encouraging physical activity in your little one is not only essential for their overall development, but it is also going to help set the stage for a healthy and active lifestyle for them. As a parent, it’s ideal to create that foundation early in life for your child’s health so that they’ll make the right choices for themselves when they get old enough.
Start with Tummy Time
While the name is simply adorable, there’s actually a reason why you’re going to want to do tummy time: it builds strength! This is actually going to be a pretty crucial activity that’s going to help your baby develop essential muscles. The whole point of this is to strengthen their neck, shoulders, and core muscles, preparing them for future milestones like crawling and sitting. For the most part, you can expect tummy time toys, so they’ll get a fun and stimulating experience at the same time. So you can say that it’s working more than just the muscles in the body, but the brain too!
Keep Having Playful Interactions
All those little movements throughout the day are going to build up bit by bit! So, you’re going to want to engage in playful interactions with them to get them moving. Some ideas for this would be gently moving your baby’s arms and legs, playing peek-a-boo, or even just gently bouncing them on your lap.
While sure, all of these are pretty simple, it’s important to think about the bigger picture for your little one. These encourage activity, but they also help strengthen that beautiful bond that both of you are going to have, so make every moment count!
Encourage Self-Discovery
Have you ever put a puppy or kitten in front of a mirror and seen their first-ever reaction? They’re confused and shocked, right? Well, it’s the same for a baby, too (which is absolutely adorable, of course). Babies are often fascinated by their reflections; it’s not hard to see why, either. So, you’re going to want to consider buying an infant mirror for them. This helps introduce them to the concept of self-awareness, but it’s also going to help encourage your baby to reach, kick, and move as they interact with their own image.
Get the Music Going
For the most part, when it comes to newborns, it’s ideal to have soothing music playing, but it doesn’t need to be as soothing as they get older. Besides, babies love gentle movements and rhythm; they know what music is, and just like older kids and adults, the music is going to get them moving. So play some upbeat music (preferably age-appropriate) and let your little one get moving! Sway to the music, as this is going to get them to bounce to it, too!