3 Signs It Is Time To Start Delegating
When you’ve worked as hard as you have to get your business from the “idea” stage, all the way through to the point of operations where you’re at now, it is more important an ever to keep honing and sharpening your edge, to prevent your ideas from turning blunt.
This is easier said than done, as staying at the top of your game all the time is exhausting and requires reserves of strength beyond the normal, beyond the usual. That’s why businesses turn to companies that can specialize in certain functions to give them that edge. Don’t worry – the creative process remains yours, and the freedom to make those big decisions is also permanently in your hands.
So for today’s post, we’re going to unpack a few ways that you can remain on top of your game while delegating just a little of the control over everything.
We have taught ourselves to believe that as leaders and owners, the buck stops with us, and so the responsibility to make sure that all of our ducks are in a row is also only ours. This is simply not the truth – if that were the case, well – we could just as well fire all of our staff and go it alone.
The sign of a good manager is that if you should drop dead, your company or department could carry on seamlessly without you. Because it means that you’ve taken the time to train every single member of your team so thoroughly that they’d know what you’d do if you were there – sounds harsh, but it’s true.
So that brings it to point #1: You spend way too much time on routine tasks. If you’ve ever (and you know you have) thought to yourself, wait, why am I doing this? Then you know it’s time to delegate those tasks to junior or subordinate teammates, who’ve probably seen you doing this and chomping at the bit for the chance to.
#2 You’re missing deadlines that there are no excuses for missing. We’re not talking about the “big stuff” here like your printing press went down. We’re talking about deadlines that you missed simply because you were too busy doing something else.
#3 Your employees are underworked. Suppose you find that your staff is turning out projects that, based on their quality, could have been completed much faster. In that case, it’s not because they’re necessarily lazy or uninspired, but it is more likely because they’re craving work and don’t want it to run out! #3 Your employees are underworked. Now, you don’t need to walk into the office to find them taking cat naps at the desk to realize that this is the case.
The good news is that in today’s increasingly connected world, there are various solutions for freeing up more of your precious time while ensuring that work that needs to happen get’s done.
Whether it is in your online marketing where companies like WEBX360 can help if you don’t have skills in house (and even if you do), or if it’s investing in training and development courses for your teams to get them all up to scratch to take off some of your load there are options.
As a good manager and leader, you need to know yourself better than anyone else, and that’s from a healthy ego point of view. When all the moving parts of your business are working correctly, that’s how you stand out from the crowd.