7 Cool New Ways Hotels Are Embracing Tech
The best hotels are constantly finding new ways to improve their guest’s experience and make their hotel more attractive. Embracing new tech can often play a part. From virtual tours to superfast wi-fi, here are some of the cool new ways that hotels are embracing tech.
Virtual tours
Virtual tours are a useful marketing tool for helping to attract guests. Using a 360 virtual tour company, you can create interactive virtual tours of your hotel. This can help guests to picture themselves in your hotel and can help familiarize them with various amenities for when they visit.
Mobile check-in
The traditional way of checking in involves talking to someone at a reception desk. However, some hotels are now embracing mobile check-in options – which can reduce work for reception desk attendants and even allow reception desks to remain unmanned at night. Mobile check-in involves checking in via an app. ‘What about collecting their room key?’ you may be thinking. The solution to this is…
Mobile room keys
Instead of handing each guest a key or a keycard, some hotels have started issuing mobile room keys to guests. These can be sent to a guest’s phone via Bluetooth when they arrive or simply activated at a certain time. The guest can then open the door of their room by holding the screen of their phone against the lock. Mobile room keys have many benefits – including preventing the need to manually hand out keycards and preventing problems caused by loss of keycards.
Chatbots can be worth installing onto hotel websites. These are AI-powered virtual assistants that website visitors can talk to via an instant chat feature. Chatbots can provide instant replies to any queries that potential guests may have. This is much more convenient than relying on human staff – most of whom won’t be able to provide instant replies due to having other duties to take care of.
AI pricing
AI pricing tools are becoming more widely adopted by hotels. These tools can automatically adjust the price of hotel rooms based on competitor pricing and other data. This reduces the need to manually adjust pricing – helping you to offer the best deal to every customer while also keeping prices profitable.
Smart HVAC
Maintaining a comfortable temperature in your hotel is key to the happiness of your guests. While you can allow guests to control the temperature in their rooms, controlling the temperature in communal spaces can be more tricky. Smart HVAC systems are able to adjust the temperature automatically depending on various factors such as the weather and how many people are in a room. This can help you to make sure that each room is kept at a comfortable temperature, while also maximizing energy savings by not heating/cooling empty rooms.
Superfast wi-fi
Hotel wi-fi is typically used by many people at the same time. A high bandwidth is often necessary to ensure that wi-fi is not slow for guests. There are many internet plans that are designed for buildings such as hotels. These are typically very fast and have a high bandwidth and a large enough range to cover the entire building.