Clients and Translation Services: The Cheap Vs The Professional
It’s a fact that all clients try to save as much money as they can. they look for ways to make more profit, which is great. But what happens when they don’t know how to utilize their time and money the right way?
That’s right: they end up with a lousy translation and then they rush to find a qualified proofreader to fix the problem. The proofreader will most likely tell their client that the text needs to be re-translated, and the result is wasting more time and probably even going over budget!
Using a cheap translation service and then trying to find a really good editor/proofreader has never been the solution. If you think you’re saving money this way, think again! You’ll be paying double for something that could be done right the first time. Besides, it will only make the editor’s job harder as they often find themselves translating the document all over again.
Let’s put it this way: there’s no cheap translation, only cheap quality. There’s another quote that says “Great work isn’t cheap. Cheap work isn’t great”. This stands so true in the translation field.
So today’s tip is to know where and how to invest both your time and money: look for a top quality translation offered by professional language service providers; that will definitely turn out to be time-saving and financially efficient. As for the results, they will definitely be great!
On another note, I don’t think any professional translator should accept proofreading jobs if their client fits one of the following cases:
1- I know * insert language here *. I’ll translate this text and ask a translator to proofread it for me
2- I’ll use Google Translate and ask a translator to proofread the text for me.
3- I know someone who is a native speaker of * insert language here *. I’ll hire them to translate the text and then have a professional proofread it. It’s less expensive this way.
That said, a really good and professional translator knows how crucial it is to proofread their translation. Call it editing, proofreading or even double-checking; it should be carried out at least once. Personally, I make sure to read my translation at least twice. One can never be too sure, and it’s always only for the better!
What’s your take on cheap translation services? Do you think it’s good for the competition? Or does it only make it harder for good translators to find jobs? Give us your two cents below!