Health and Safety in the Manufacturing Industry: 3 Tips for Business Owners
In any country, the manufacturing industry involves several sectors and employs millions of workers. Particularly, the UK manufacturing industry employs over 2.5 million workers. This thriving industry is one of the main pillars of the country’s economy and sets some of the international standards. However, deaths, accidents, and injuries in the workplace in the manufacturing industry are always on the rise, with an average of 22 deaths per year.
This high number can be frightening, but it is also worth remembering that a large percentage of this accident is preventable. When it comes down to creating a business that is safe and comfortable for every employee, it is crucial for business owners to keep in mind what the priorities are. After all, the employees are the heart of a business and its main asset. Here you can find some extra tips to protect your company.
Understand Your Business’s Risks
Alongside cybersecurity, it is also important to determine what risks you, your business, and your employees undergo every day. Creating a comprehensive risk assessment is crucial to understand these risks and put in place plans to protect the premises and employees alike.
When creating your risk assessment, you should look at your business with the eyes of a visitor. Or, you should consider hiring a professional who has worked in several businesses and industries to ensure that all aspects are covered.
Train Your Employees
Training your employees has never been so important as it is today. Indeed, technologies, machinery, and environments are changing so fast that employees might struggle to keep up and understand the risks involved with each change. However, you can ensure that your employees are up to date through training and drills. Don’t be afraid to invest in different kinds of training strategies and opportunities – it will pay off!
Don’t Skimp on Equipment and Materials.
In manufacturing, the supply chain is what makes a business successful and efficient. However, the supply chain is composed of endless links and parts that need to be working together harmoniously to meet the demand. In this case, you should consider reevaluating the materials and equipment you have decided to use. For example, something as simple as a 3 piece ball valve can make a difference in the level of the safety of the whole business. Make sure you research the best options and invest the necessary amount.
Be Compliant
Compliance might not be the best friend of a business owner, but it can help you protect your business from a physical and bureaucratic point of view. Indeed, often, it might be impossible to prove your efforts in protecting your business without the necessary paperwork. Luckily, today, you can use cloud systems to collect all of your documents. You might even decide to set up reminders to make sure everything is in order!
Create a Healthy Workplace
Looking after your employees and premises is of paramount importance. However, it is also crucial to create a healthy and comfortable environment for all of your employees. Therefore, you should make sure to instil the importance of health and safety and trust your employees to assess every situation before engaging with it. Additionally, protecting your employee’s mental health and ensuring that they are achieving an ideal work-life balance can reduce distractions and incidents in the workplace.