Making Working from Home Work for You
Over the past couple of months, there has been a huge surge in the number of people working from home (Hey, ex in-house employees, it was about time you joined the club, although I would have wished it to be under other circumstances lol!). The rapid spread of coronavirus, and the worldwide pandemic that has ensued, means that many governments have advised those who can work from home do. This has positives. You don’t have to commute, you don’t have to wear an uncomfortable work uniform and your lunch options may have expanded significantly with easy access to your kitchen. But it can also prove pretty difficult to switch so quickly and unexpectedly between an office setting and your home. We tend to associate our homes with socializing, entertainment, relaxation and recuperation. So, settling into working and being productive in this environment can be a challenge. On top of this, you really have to manage yourself well, as your manager isn’t going to be watching you and spurring you on when they see you become distracted. Here are just a couple of things you can do to make working from home work for you a little better!
Maintain Your Usual Routine
It’s important to maintain some sort of routine while working from home. Sure, you don’t need to commute to the office – this really is a perk – but that doesn’t necessarily mean you should drag yourself from bed a couple of minutes before you’re due to be online. Instead, get up and allow yourself sufficient time to shower, put some clothes on (these can be more comfortable than your usual office wear, but it’s still important to get out of your pyjamas) and have some breakfast before your working day starts. This will make sure that you’re comfortable as well as bright and alert for the day ahead. Throughout your working day, make sure that you still take your allocated breaks. It can be easy to get drawn into your work, but breaks are important for both your health and for your productivity! Take a look at this remote work checklist for further information!
Make Sure You Have the Right Support at Hand
It’s important to remember that you’re not entirely alone while working from home. Your colleagues are still there. They’re just working remotely too! If you find that you’re having any troubles or difficulties – perhaps a brief isn’t clear, you don’t know what is currently expected of you, or you need clarification on a deadline – simply get in touch with your manager or someone else who will be able to answer your questions. It’s also a good idea to make any suggestions that would make working from home easier to relevant individuals too – whether that’s your manager or HR. They may be able to invest in software, or alter working systems, to better accommodate everyone!
These are just a couple of different things you can do to make working from home a lot easier and more efficient for yourself. So, keep them in mind and don’t be afraid to speak out when you need any help or support!