March 4th, Grammar Day
March 4 is the day to celebrate grammar in the US. It was established in 2008 by Martha Brockenbrough, author of Things that Make Us and founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar.
This date was chosen particularly because it is also an imperative: March forth on March 4th to use proper grammar!
You can celebrate Grammar Day in many ways: try using proper punctuation, writing grammatically correct text messages (no abbreviations!), or even singing along March Forth: The Grammar Song. There are also many online contests to celebrate Grammar Day, such as poetry and editing competitions. Or how about downloading and installing grammar software applications which help you learn grammar quickly and accurately?
For your grammar Nazi friends (I’m one of them – Oops!), there are many T-shirts with funny grammar mistakes printed on them which you can offer them as a funny gift!