The Benefits of Greening Your Business
There was a time when saying your business was trying to be more sustainable or eco-friendly was a great PR move, but little else. That time has passed and being green in your business is so much more important than being just a good marketing opportunity.
Wondering why you should bother greening your business? Check out thede very real benefits:
Gives you a competitive advantage
Consumers are almost 60 percent more likely to buy from a business that cares about the environment and does what it can to limit its impact on the planet, whether that be by installing the best solar panels they can afford or sourcing recycled materials for their products. So by going green, you can actually boost your competitive advantage by a significant margin simply by greening your business. As if that wasn’t enough research by the Natural Marketing Institute has found that customers will pay up to 20 percent more for products and services that they believe to be environmentally conscious, too.
Save money
Investing in green technology right now can be expensive, so you could be forgiven for thinking that taking green measures is not in your business’ best financial interest, but you would be wrong. You see, although things like solar panels and heat pumps are not always the cheapest option, they do lower a company’s energy bills significantly. Not only that, but they are likely to still be viable years down the line when older technologies have started to be phased out. There is also the fact that businesses who invest in green infrastructure typically do better on the stock market, than those who do not, to consider. Basically, greening your business is a sound financial decision for often than not.
Increased productivity
Many companies find that, when they make a real effort to be more sustainable, their productivity improves as a result. This is not really that surprising because when you are making a real effort to use resources more wisely and conserve as much energy as possible, it naturally forces you to be more efficient in your work, which will usually have a positive impact on productivity too.
Prepare for the future
As governments around the world start to take climate change more seriously various pieces of legislation are set to be introduced around emissions and energy conservation, amongst other things, that businesses will be forced to adhere to. By adopting greener business practices now, you can be prepared for these changes so that they do not have as great an impact on your company in the future, and you can get ahead of the curve to beat the competition.
Hire the best
Ad more people come to care about the environment and try to do what they can in that direction being known as a green company can only be to your advantage when it comes so hiring the top talent in your niche. Employees increasingly want to work for ethical companies they can be proud of, so why not give them what they want?
As you can see, making your business as green as possible is not only a great thing to do for the planet, but it can also benefit your business in so many ways that it would be foolish not to consider the possibilities right now.