What I Would Do if I Had 10 Extra Hours a Day
The mere fact that it took me 2 months to write this blog post, since the moment I had the idea of writing it, tells you how busy I am and how desperately I need more hours a day.
I am a busy bee. I have 3 boys and a full-time freelance career. It’s easy for me to get swamped amid all the emails, invoices, projects, meetings, phone calls, play dates, and, as boring as it may seem, house chores.
So, the other day – that was actually a couple of months ago; go figure – I sat down and thought about all the things that I would do if I had 10 extra hours a day. Because hey, so much to do, so little time.
1- Practice Self Care – 2 Hours
I would dedicate 2 whole hours just for my sanity amid all the chaos. I skip workouts more often these days because I just get caught up and when I realize it would already be nightfall. I would totally use 2 extra hours to get my workout in, take a long bath, or go shopping, alone, uninterrupted by all the “Mom, this” and “Mom, that”.
2- Slow Down – 1 Hour
When I am swamped – and that is almost every single day – and especially when my kids are at home, I tend to become more stressed and cranky, and yes, I scream at them. Life is ultra fast-paced for me, and it would be great if I could just slow down, calm down, and avoid snapping at my kids, but let’s face it, no one is perfect and while I try as much as possible to remain calm and be that mom, sometimes I. Just. Lose it. So to be more mindful and understand that they need extra attention would actually make me an overall calmer person.
3- Sleep – 1 Hour
You really didn’t think sleeping wouldn’t be on this list, did you? I am a sleep deprived mom who runs on coffee. So yes, an extra hour of sleep would be exactly what I need. I’m not much of a sleep lover, so one hour is more than enough for me to recharge.
4- Write – 1 Hour
I love writing and blogging. I used to blog more often in the past years. Amid life’s priorities, blogging is kind of taking a back seat. I think it would become better once my kids are a bit older. Don’t give up on me, though; I’m still here and I will try to update the blog as often as possible 🙂
5- Try Something New – 2 Hours
I love a good adrenaline rush and I love new experiences. Life’s gotten a teeny weeny bit boring with less time for such activities and more time for the family and my work. I still have a long bucket list which includes bungee jumping, paragliding and skydiving to name a few.
6- Declutter – 1 Hour
Being organized gives me a zen feeling. When I dedicate some time during the day to declutter and organize, I feel great. Just looking at a clean, tidy space makes me feel more relaxed.
7- Spend More Time with My Children – 2 Hours
All moms feel guilt and I am no different. Although I am a freelancer and I am around my children more often, I still feel like I am not there for them as much as I would love to be. They would be playing together right next to me, and I would be on my laptop doing some work. So it would be great if I had extra time to play more with them, sit down and have a nice talk with them, or read them another story.
What would you do if you had more hours during your day? I’d love to know, so drop me a comment below!