A Tale About the Importance of Having a Positive Attitude
There were two tailors in a small town.
Competition was fierce between them.
Every Saturday, they’d showcase their designs in the townhall in front of all the prospective customers.
While both tailors were clearly talented, one of them thought it would be good for his business to publicly point out the flaws in his rival’s designs. He did it so often that it left a sour taste in the mouths of the town men and women.
Although he had the intention of driving more sales, his actions brought the exact opposite outcome.
The other tailor, on the other hand, never left any negative remarks, but rather focused on the good quality of his designs, and tried to attract more orders by showcasing his craftsmanship in every little detail.
Impressed by his skills and positive attitude, the residents started placing more orders with him, expressing their satisfaction with how he addresses any issue or concern they may have.
The negative tailor’s approach totally backfired, as his once customers didn’t appreciate his zero value comments, thus switching their business.
Takeaway: image matters to clients. Remaining professional means remaining positive on social media where everything is public. No matter how much you try to sugarcoat your negative comment, it still is a negative comment at the end of the day, and it will not make you look good.
We interpreters have a moral obligation to lift each other up. There’s enough business for everyone, and you cannot afford pointing out your colleague’s flaws, because no one is perfect and we are all continuously learning.