Are Your Employees Getting Bored? Here’s How To Shake Things Up At Work
If you have established a routine that works in your workplace, this can be highly beneficial to all involved. Knowing how things will run day to day can make your company more efficient, as you know that everybody knows what is expected of them throughout the days, weeks and months.
On the other hand, if the routine becomes too mundane, your employees can begin to get bored, and therefore complacent. If people feel as if their days all blur into one, it can lower performance standards and make them unhappy overall. Standards can begin to slip, and this is bad news for your business.
In this post we’ll guide you through shaking up your office in a positive way, and how to make your employees feel excited about what’s to come in the future!
Incentivising people to work harder
When you incentivise people, you see results. Your employees are paid salaries to do their jobs, of course, but plenty of companies go one step further to show their employees that they care. If you value the people who work for you, it’s time to step it up.
Here are a few incentive ideas to get you started.
- Benefits, such as healthcare plans, gym memberships, annual company retreats and other freebies can be very motivating to employees!
- Performance-based commission. There’s no incentive quite like money; by introducing commissions, you can rest assured that you’ll see an improvement in productivity and motivation!
- Offer mentoring. Employees want to know that the company they work for cares about them. By offering personal and career-focused mentoring, you can show them how much you value their input and personal growth.
- Give opportunities for people to grow. Offering schemes, training programs and other incentives will make people want to work harder and achieve greater things during their time at your company.
Reshuffling the office’s layout
Psychologists believe that the layout of your space can transform the headspace of those that spend time there. If you feel your employees’ performance becoming lacklustre or slightly complacent, you could try reshuffling the office’s layout to give a fresh perspective.
This doesn’t need to be a costly enterprise; you could simply relocate desks, move furniture around, and maybe even switch up the colour scheme a little! It doesn’t take a lot to refresh one’s mind using physical indicators to help this process along.
Could AI help?
AI, standing for artificial intelligence, is a great way to bring a new lease of life to the company. By introducing new software and training your employees accordingly, you can challenge people’s imaginations and creativity in the workplace.
Additionally, you can use AI to measure productivity levels, to see who is not picking up the slack on their end. A productivity quotient can easily determine how your employees are performing – and if they’re aware of this, it will encourage them to start making more of an effort at work.
Final Thoughts
If you want to make a difference to your workplace, use this guide to boost your productivity and help people thrive!