Fun Activities for Babies in the First Months
A baby’s first months of life are always super exciting. It’s a time when babies are on the move and developing new skills.
They’re learning to crawl, they can reach for things, and they’re starting to play with their hands! This article offers fun activities you can do with your baby in this stage of development:
A Photoshoot
A great activity would be to go for a photoshoot. You can do it professionally, or you can hire a camera and take the photos yourself. Not only is it fun but a great way to document your memories with your baby before they grow up. While at it, you may want to consider glow portraits, a boutique studio with perfect newborn portraits.
Water Play
A second fun activity for your baby is to go for a walk outside and stop by the nearest fountain or water tap. Again, you can take off their clothes, put them in a swimsuit (if they have one), give them some toys like spoons and cups, let them play around with it while you enjoy time to yourself.
The third activity is to give them a message. It doesn’t matter what kind of massage (be it Thai, Swedish, or Shiatsu) as long as you make sure they are comfortable and enjoy the attention.
Read to Them
Another great activity to do with your baby is reading them a book. They might not be able to read or understand, but they enjoy listening and discovering new things. Of course, you can have the books on tape, too!
A Game of Catch with a Scarf
A game of catch with a scarf is another fun activity. You can do it indoors or out, and the possibilities are endless!
Sing a Song Together
Another fun thing you could do is sing songs together or play music for them while they lie down in their crib. You can make up your song or use one you learned from a nursery rhyme book.
An Egg Hunt
Another excellent activity is an egg hunt. You can either do it in your house or outside, and you can make the rules as simple or complex as you like. Many people suggest using the egg hunt to introduce your baby to colors and different shapes!
Building with Blocks
This is an incredible activity you can do with your baby which entails building something. For example, you could make a tower. Let them put blocks in their mouths, see what happens, or even use it to introduce different shapes.
Tickle Time!
An enjoyable thing you might want to try would be tickle time! Be gentle at first but don’t hold back! Have some fun with your baby, and enjoy the cuddles.
Playing Peek-a-Boo
This is yet another fun activity to play with your baby. It’s a straightforward game that you can do anywhere, and at any time, it will make them laugh!
Running Around the House
If you’re feeling up for it, running around the house chasing each other is an excellent way of having some fun while at the same time allowing your baby to exercise.
In conclusion, you can do many other activities with a baby in the first months of life. Hopefully, this article has given you some great ideas, which will be helpful to your family!