Human To Human Marketing; An Old Trend That Needs To Make a Comeback
Human to human is an old marketing trend that was popular around 4 to 5 years ago. Back then, it was considered a buzzword because it sounded really obvious. As a company, of course you’re going to market to humans. It’s not like you’re marketing to robots or animals, so what’s the big deal? Why should we care about an outdated concept such as human to human marketing?
One of the biggest trends in marketing today is utilizing big data to help make informed marketing decisions. While this makes sense to most people, it’s actually one of the reasons why we need to bring back human to human marketing concepts. We’re no longer thinking about customers and their individual needs. Instead, we’re generalizing them into statistics and making decisions based on numbers.
It’s not just about promoting your business–it’s about engaging your audience
Digital marketers understand that making decisions is difficult, hence why we tend to rely on statistics and proven numbers or processes that will promote your business. However, this has the side effect of making your business feel incredibly robotic and dull. For example, you might find that while your numbers are definitely increasing, you’re taking the safest approach to growing your brand and will always fall behind competitors.
Instead of taking the safe route of focusing on business promotion, why not consider engaging your audience and getting as close as you can to your core user base? This is a risky move, but it’s also a move that will help you grow your business faster and open you up for organic growth.
Being honest and authentic can take your business far
Being an honest and authentic business is appreciated in today’s world. Far too many businesses take a robotic approach to growing their business and responding to feedback, but the reality is that people just want to find a business that is relatable. If their concerns are listened to and if their suggestions are taken on board, then they’ll feel a much deeper connection with a brand.
This can help improve organic growth and is a fantastic way to build a larger audience that trusts you.
Working with a reputable agency can give your marketing a much-needed boost
Working with the best digital agency around will guarantee that your marketing efforts can be focused on human to human interaction. Instead of just looking at the facts and statistics, a marketing agency can help identify ways for you to grow your business by engaging your audience and understanding their individual needs and preferences.
By focusing on the customer experience and listening to individuals, you’ll create a far more personalized experience that makes your audience feel appreciated. This is an extremely powerful way to grow your brand and is heavily underutilized these days. While it’s certainly important to make use of various statistics and data to make informed decisions, focusing on engaging your audience should always take priority if you want a consistent way to grow your brand.