Increase the Value of Your Car
If you’ve decided that the time has come to trade in your old car for a newer model, naturally, you will want to get the best possible price for your old vehicle so that you can reinvest it into a greatest new car or maybe use the cash to get something else nice for yourself. If that’s the case, check out my top tips for increasing the value of your car.
1. Clean it up
Although this might not massively increase the value of your vehicle, it is fair to say that a clean csar makes a better first impression, and since the new buyer/dealer won’t have to spend any time of money cleaning it up themselves, they are more likely to agree to a slightly higher asking price. In fact, you could increase the value by as much as three times the cost of a thorough professional detail job, so it is definitely worth investing in a professional cleanup.
2. Repair dents and scratches
When you look at used cars on edmunds, chances are you will not find yourself drawn to cars that have lots of dents and scratches if you can find any at all – most dealers will fix these – because they simply do not look good and they can make buyers feel like the cat has not been well looked after. So, it stands to reason that, by having your mechanic fix these dents and scratches before selling, you can get a better price for the car, one that will cover the cost of the repairs and then some.
3. Ensure all the paperwork is present and correct
Nobody wants to buy a used car whose history is unknown to them. To do so would be foolish because the car could have been seriously damaged in the past, or may even be stolen. So, if you want to get the best possible price for your old car, you absolutely need to ensure that all of the paperwork including the service history and vehicle registration forms are present and correct. Fail to do this and chances are you won’t find anyone willing to buy your car, let alone someone who is willing to give you a great price for it.
4. Get it serviced
It might seem foolish to spend money having a car serviced when you are just about to unload it, but actually, it’s a really smart move. Why? Because it will remove any uncertainty in the eyes of the buyer who will be able to see a full, and recent, report of exactly what condition the vehicle is in. If the buyer is confident they are getting a quality car, they will usually be willing to pay the best price for it because there probably won’t be any expensive surprises down the line.
5. Find all the accessories
From parcel shelves to the original spare tire and additional keys, the more of the car’s original accessories that you can find for the buyer, the better the price you can ask from them.
Time to sell that car!