Mama: A Universal Word
March 21 marks Mother’s day in some parts of the world. Lebanon happens to celebrate Mother’s day on March 21, and it’s a pretty big deal here (just like in any other country in the world).
Mother’s Day in Lebanon is therefore celebrated on the first day of spring. I don’t think there’s a better date for such a celebration!
Exactly one month prior to Mother’s Day, which means on February 21, the world celebrates international mother language day.
This is quite interesting, because no matter your mother language, and no matter where you come from, or your culture, one word will always be understood by every single human being living on this Earth. This word is Mama.
The word Mama is universal. It is used in all cultures.
I am so grateful for having an amazing mother, a Superwoman, a SuperMom. Nothing I ever do will be enough to thank you for all the nights you stayed up making sure my siblings and I have everything we need. I love you beyond words!
Now that I am a mom myself, I can relate and I apologize for ever giving you a hard time!
I am so grateful to have been blessed with motherhood. By far, it is my biggest accomplishment, and I am pretty sure no other accomplishment will ever top it.
Here’s to all the mothers in the world. You are the hope in this life.
Happy Mother’s Day!
Listen to the Mom Song here.