My Once Baby Boy Is Now A Young Man

How was this 7 years ago?
My eldest Maroun turned 8 today. I’ve been feeling so emotional for the past few days. I still can’t believe how 8 years went by in a flash.
8 years of bliss. 416 weeks of unconditional love. 2922 days of pure joy.
I was asked what it felt like now that he is no longer a little man. I didn’t think twice: I now have a young man on whom I can count. I have a lifetime friend, a beloved companion, a buddy, a proud and protective older brother. I have an amazing son, and for that I couldn’t be prouder.
It took blood, sweat and tears to raise him to become the young man he is today. The days were long, but the years oh so short.
Happy 8 to the apple of my eye!