You learn Something New Everyday
You learn something new everyday, even from the things you take for granted.
A few days ago, I was translating a Family Civil Status Record (بيان قيد عائلي), which is also known as a family registry, and I learned about a small town in Baalbeck, Lebanon, called Ain Bourday عين برضاي.
I learned how to write it correctly thanks to Google! It did take me a while to find it, given it’s a very small town and the odds of finding any kind of information about it online were very few; but in the end, my search was successful!
Even though it seems like something very common or ordinary, and that it’s not huge knowledge, but to me it was very interesting. I think the reason is because I love my job. There’s never a dull day with it!
As for those who are wondering why I couldn’t figure out how to spell it in English myself without the help of Google, please note that Family Civil Status Records in Lebanon are still issued in handwriting and not typed and printed out. Therefore, I wasn’t able to actually spell it correctly in Arabic in the first place (lack of Tanween تنوين) not to mention that the handwriting was very, very incomprehensible.
What did you learn today? Share with us by commenting below!