7 Symptoms You Should Get Checked Out Immediately
As we go through life, our bodies will occasionally send us signals that something is wrong. Mostly, these are nothing to worry about. But sometimes, they could be a sign of a severe issue that requires immediate medical attention.
Unfortunately, a lot of us don’t know the signs that we should look out for. This post is here to help. In it, we take a look at some of the symptoms that you should get checked out straight away. Read on to find out more.
Chest Pain And Dizziness
Many conditions can cause chest pain and dizziness. However, the most common is usually heart trouble. If you experience symptoms like these, seek medical attention immediately, even if you are young. Physicians can monitor your heart and then tell you whether it is working as it should.
Weakness On One Side Of The Body
Weakness on one side of the body is a clear indication of stroke. If you start having symptoms like this, you’ll want to contact your doctor immediately. They can put you on blood thinners to clear the clot and prevent regions of the brain from dying. You can also take natural blood thinners in your pantry, such as flaxseed or beetroot.
Double Vision
Sometimes people get double vision because of damage to the lens of their eye or residue stuck on the eyeball. However, double vision that comes from nowhere and won’t go away is often a sign of concern. Sometimes, it means that your blood pressure is dangerously high and that you require blood pressure lowering medications.
Floaters are small blobs that float around your field of vision. Having some floaters is quite normal. However, if you suddenly notice that they get worse, go for an eye exam immediately. Serious floaters could be a sign that the retina is about to peel away from the back of the eye – a common cause of blindness.
Shoulder Pain
Intense shoulder pain that comes on rapidly could be a sign of an impending heart attack. If you notice shoulder pain that you don’t normally have, seek medical attention immediately.
Unexplained Shortness Of Breath
It’s perfectly normal to feel a little short of breath after hitting the gym. However, it might be a cause for concern if you’re struggling to get oxygen into your body while sitting down.
Shortness of breath without exercise often indicates heart trouble. Usually, it means that the heart isn’t able to pump blood around the body vigorously enough to keep all tissues adequately supplied.
Persistent High Fever
High fevers should only last a couple of days at most. They’re a sign that the body is fighting an infection. However, if a fever lasts for more than four days, then it can indicate serious bacterial infection or pneumonia. Having a high fever for a long time causes tissue damage and may lead to other symptoms, such as headaches and nausea.
In summary, if you are experiencing any of these symptoms, get them checked out immediately. Don’t delay.