Bless you! How to sneeze in 10 Languages
I would add “Atchoum” in French.
Interestingly, the equivalent of “a sneeze” in Arabic is عطسة which reads as “At’ssa” and sounds like the act itself!
How do you sneeze in your language? Let us know in the comments section below!
Jan Krupička
It would be something along the lines of HAPTCHEEK in Czech. 🙂
Nice! 🙂
Siiri iismaa
Atsihh! in Estonian
Colette Tremblay
In French: Atchoum!. In Spanish: ¡Atchís!
Raquel Santander-Nelson
Or !Atchu! 🙂
You’re right, Raquel! 🙂
David Paul Samson
As you have said, every one express a sound when he sneezes. The chirping of birds and the roaring of lion, and the voices of many animals do not have meaning! They are merely sounds. But the human sound production (Articulation) is systematic. And so we allot meaning to each sound segments. For example when you ride a horse you make many different sounds to guide it. You cannot write all of them. They are mearely sounds and there are no representations for them. Similarly, the sounds for Sneezing are expressed using the Phonemes available in that language, which may differ language to language.
David Paul Samson
In Tamil “Achchu”..
In Serbian, it is ‘ap-ćiha’
Klāvs Māris Miezis
It is Apčī or Apchee in Latvian