Making A Healthy Transition To The Fall Season
If fall has you thinking about everything pumpkin spice, dreaming of pies and hot chocolate, or otherwise dreading the upcoming foodie season, it’s not too late to make a plan for a more healthy fall season.
Instead of trying to change everything about your lifestyle all at once, experiment with making small but impactful changes a little at a time. The habit stacking method introduced by James Clear is a perfect way to build on regular habits you already have.
For example, you likely take a shower every day. Instead of deciding you’ll work out at the gym every morning (and possibly fail to be consistent early on), add the habit of doing ten push-ups right before your shower.
You’re much more likely to stay consistent using this approach. Here are a few more ideas to take you into the fall season.
Make a plan for a new fall exercise routine
Despite the transition to fall, your gym schedule shouldn’t change much if you’re accustomed to heading to the gym regularly to work out. In contrast, those who are trained outdoors and perhaps even run in the mornings should start planning for indoor exercises, too. A new season always presents an excellent chance for you to make changes in your life.” By achieving these goals, you’ll be in a great position to start the new year with a fresh set of goals.
Combined with areas that are more susceptible to rain, cold weather will force even the most physically active indoors. So visit the gym in your neighborhood and see what it has to offer. You can also add something new to your routine by taking a yoga or pilates class.
Keeping an indoor exercise routine will help you stay committed to your exercise routines and prevent the fall/winter slump from hitting.
During the cooler fall days, you can use mother nature’s predictability of falling leaves to get your garden ready for winter or take walks in a neighborhood park or trail to enjoy the scenery.
Schedule your bi-annual skin screening
After a summer full of sunshine and outdoor exposure, a visit to the dermatologist is an excellent way to stay on top of any potential areas of concern.
During the summer months, people subject their skin to various elements that can cause long-term damage. Along with regular visual checks at home, visiting a dermatologist at least twice a year means you won’t be caught off guard if something unusual appears.
Change up your diet
If you spent the summer enjoying ice cream treats, eating late at night, or skipping vegetables while you opted for another hot dog, your body is likely ready for a change.
Fall is a great time to change your diet and work more fresh, seasonal vegetables into your regular meal planning routine. Seasonal vegetables like arugula, cabbage, celery, and eggplant not only taste great but add a lot of color and nutrients to your diet.
Try out new fall recipes, mix up a fall-themed smoothie, or experiment with soups and stews this fall for a nice change of pace. Of course, smoothies are a great way to add extra dietary supplements, too. Just be sure you’re doing your research and understand all of the ingredients in case your employer or sports team is testing for prohibited substances.
The fall season is fast approaching, so be thankful for the change in seasons and prepare yourself for the new challenges that lay before you.