The New 50,000 Bill from Banque du Liban
Remember last year’s infamous 50,000 LBP banknote that BDL wanted to roll out on Lebanon’s 70th Independence Day? It was so hideous that we forgot about it in a flash (because, let’s be honest, it hurt our eyes to look at it!).
Well, pictures of a new 50,000 bill are making the rounds online, and I got to say, Banque du Liban redeemed itself and did a pretty good job with this one. At least there are no horrific grammatical errors in it, and the design is actually neat!
What I like the most about it is the cedar tree. It looks great and makes the banknote very relevant!
I couldn’t help but notice that it looks a lot like an Australian banknote.
Reports say that the new 50,000 bill is set to be rolled out in around a couple of months.
What do you guys think about the new 50,000 LBP bill’s design and overall look?