5 Types of Clients You Should Absolutely Keep
Being self-employed means meeting many types of clients on a daily basis. Some are a breath of fresh air and so amazing to work with, while others give you a hard time, and working with them is really not my idea of a healthy business relationship.
Below are the types of clients that make every freelancer say “This one is a keeper”:
1- The client that sends you thank you notes (positive energy goes a long way!)
2- The client that respects your decision not to work on weekends. Be careful though, if you can do so and are willing to, offer your rush services. Be considerate and, most of all, utterly professional. A healthy business relationship is all about balance between giving and taking.
3- The client that pays on time: let’s face it, working is almost no one’s idea of fun. So of course your favorite client is the one who pays you on the spot, upon delivery. Getting paid by the client as soon as the invoice is issued? Don’t mind if I do!
4- The client that doesn’t keep trying to make you lower your rates by saying “I know other professionals who charge lower rates”. Trust me, you wouldn’t want to do business with someone who is not 100% sure they want to work with you When you find a loyal client who agrees to your rates knowing they will get the best quality, you make sure to keep them!
5- The client who trusts your expertise but still has ideas that enrich the overall quality of the project at hand (it is always a pleasure dealing with smart, professional clients in a high team spirit!)
Do you have a different favorite type of client? I’d love to know who they are! Comment below 🙂