Care Tips For Those Essential Hearing Aids
If you’re hearing-impaired, then there’s a good chance that you make use of hearing aids that can help improve your quality of life. However, these devices, while extremely helpful, are almost made of advanced and delicate technology that can be prone to issues if you’re not careful. To that end, here we’re going to look at how you can give your hearing aids the care that they need.
Clean and care for your hearing aids
One of the best tips is to make sure that you’re spending a little time every day cleaning your hearing aids. There are hearing aid cleaning kits that you can invest in that give you the precision equipment that can help you clear away any dirt, debris, and, most importantly, ear wax that can build up. When pieces start to clog up with ear wax, their performance can start to really suffer as a result.
Keep them out of the bathroom
If you’re going to the bathroom, especially for a shower, a bath, or simply spending a long time in there, you should leave your hearing aids in their container. Humidity and hearing aids do not get along well. The moisture can start to affect the circuitry, leading to all kinds of malfunctions. There are waterproof hearing aids that you can invest in that are less likely to have these problems but unless you’re an avid swimmer, you probably don’t need to go that far.
Store them and their batteries separately at night
If you don’t already have one with your device, you should invest in a container that also acts as a dehumidifier, just to make sure that you’re really fighting off the risk of moisture. Otherwise, make sure that you don’t keep the batteries inside the hearing aid when you’re not wearing it. This can drain the batteries faster and without moisture-proof storage for them, the batteries can even start to leak and do damage to the device.
Handle your device with care
When you handle your device, make sure that you’re careful with them. It’s true that they are more durable and stronger than previous generations of devices, but they’re still made of some pretty intricate technology that can get knocked out of place. Similarly, when you place them down, you should place them on soft surfaces and do what you can to keep them away from kids and animals.
Keep your ears clean, too
As mentioned, you want to avoid too much ear wax, which can start to clog up your device and lead to malfunctions and issues down the line. However, you shouldn’t stop at cleaning your device. You should make sure that you schedule regular cleanings for your ears, as well. After all, people who do wear hearing aids typically experience more ear wax buildups than those who don’t.
Hearing aid care does not need to be a major challenge. Just a little time spent on keeping them in good condition every day and keeping the risks that affect them in mind should be enough.