Making The Best First Impression To New Clients
When you meet someone for the first time, they can judge you in maybe three seconds with just a quick glance. In this short amount of time, the other person forms an opinion about you based on how you look, how you act, what you wear, and how you talk.
Every time you meet someone new, they judge you and make a decision about what they think of you. These first impressions can be hard to change, and they often set the tone for the rest of the relationship.
So, it’s very important to know how to make a good first impression, especially when it comes ot meeting potential business clients. This article will help you do this by giving you some useful tips.
Don’t Be Late
When you meet someone for the first time, they won’t care about your “good reason” for being late. Plan to get there a few minutes early and give yourself some wiggle room in case you get stuck in traffic or take the wrong turn. Coming early is much better than coming late, and it’s the first step to making a good first impression.
If your first meeting is going to be online, check your tech and connection ahead of time, and think about what you’ll be doing and where you’ll be.
Put Your Best Foot Forward
Of course, how you look is important. When you meet someone for the first time, they don’t know you, so how you look is usually the first thing they can tell about you.
But don’t be afraid! This doesn’t mean that you have to look like a model to make a strong and good first impression. (Unless, of course, you are interviewing with a local modelling agency!)
People say that a picture is worth a thousand words, so the first “picture” you show someone should show them who you are.
First, you should think about how you dress. What’s the right way to dress for the meeting or event? What is the right way to dress for a business meeting? Suit, blazer, casual? And what do you think the person you’ll meet will be wearing? If your contact works in the arts or music, a pinstripe business suit might not be the best choice.
You should also think about where you are holding the meeting. Are your business premises up to scratch? Or could you do with some upgrades such as commercial grade led parking lot lights or new office furniture? If you need to make improvements it’s best to arrange the meeting elsewhere or to complete these first.
Be Yourself
Yes, if you want to make a good first impression, you do have to “fit in” to some extent. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up who you are or act like someone you’re not. Being your true self is the best way to make a good impression. Doing this will make you feel more confident, help you build trust, and earn the respect and integrity of the people you meet.
Have a Smile That Wins!
“Smile, and the world smiles with you,” as the saying goes. So, a smile is the best way to make a good first impression. A warm, sure smile will make you and the other person feel more at ease. So, if you want to make a good first impression, smile. But don’t go too far, because people who do this too much can seem fake and slick.
Be Open and Confident
Body language is often more important than words when it comes to making a good first impression.
Use your body language to show how confident and sure of yourself you are. Stand tall, smile (of course), look people in the eyes, and shake hands firmly. All of this will help you look more sure of yourself and make you and the other person feel more comfortable.
When meeting someone for the first time, almost everyone gets a little nervous. But this can make you do things you don’t want to, like biting your nails, get the “jitters,” or sweaty palms. You can try to control your nervous habits if you are aware of them. Check out our article on how to relax for help with this.
Be Positive
Everything you do shows what kind of person you are. So, show a positive attitude, even if you’re nervous or getting criticized. Try to learn something from the meeting and to contribute in the right way. Lastly, keep a positive attitude and smile to show that you are easy to talk to.
These tips will make sure you give the best first impression when meeting new clients. Do you have any other tips that should be included?