Why Your Staff May Want Remote Working To Continue
The pandemic has changed the working world and most people out there are considering what it all means to “get back on track” now that the world is being vaccinated and lockdowns are slowly – but surely – lifting. Some people loved being able to work from home for a change and they liked the choice of managing their own workload. Some businesses prefer that their staff come back to the office, even if their employees prefer the home-working life.
The thing is, the pandemic has drastically changed the way that employees see their jobs. Any requests that they may have made pre-pandemic to work from home that were rejected based on inability to support at home are now null and void. Employers can’t say that they don’t have the ability to support home working anymore, because it’s all we’ve done for a year! The good news is that there are businesses out there who can see the merit of virtual office services1 for their clients, and if business leaders were to listen to their employees, they’ll see that remote working would be beneficial to continue. So, why do employees want it to carry on?
- The chance to be independent is the number one reason people want to work from home. Adults don’t want to have their boss breathing down their neck, and who can blame them? Working from home allows someone to manage their own workload with their appointments without needing to ask permission to do anything. Some people are even more motivated when they work alone!
- There is a lot of stress reduced when people work at home. Some people just don’t get on with their coworkers but love their job, and that’s okay – humans forced to be together don’t always have to get along. Working from home, this is taken out of the equation and there’s no need to worry about the people you work with anymore.
- One of the biggest benefits of having your team working from home is the money savings that you can make in your business. Not only are your staff happier to forego the commute to work and the money spent on travel, but you will be able to save money on office space rentals and furniture. You’ll even save money on utilities, too, as no one will be using the services.
- It’s so much more comfortable to work from home online. There’s something motivating about being surrounded by your own stuff and not having to worry about being in an office that may not be the right temperature! No one wants to be blasted by the aircon if they hate the cold!
- One of the biggest perks of home working is the chance to be free. People can take their work to a coffee shop when lockdowns are lifted, or they can be as dressed up or down as they please. All of the rules in the workplace are very much like the rules you get from school! It’s a nice change to have the entire office feeling happier.