English Sayings and their Equivalent in Lebanese Dialect
Like in any culture, there are different sayings that can be used in different situations encountered in our daily lives. Probably all languages have equivalents of certain sayings that are used in similar situations in different cultures. This blog post sheds the light on some equivalents of English sayings in the Lebanese dialect in particular (not in classical Arabic).
Speak of the devil!
اذكر الديب وهيي القضيب
Strike while the iron is hot
دق الحديد وهو حامي
Two birds in one stone
عصفوران بحجر واحد
The spitting image
بازقو من تمو
The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree
طب الجرة على تمها، بتطلع البنت لأمها
Look who’s talking
ليك مين عم يحكي
Now that you’ve mentioned it
سيرة وانفتحت
Talk of the town
حديث البلد
Add insult to injury
يزيد الطين بلّة
The ball is in your court
الطابة بملعبك
Beat around the bush
تلف وتدور
Caught between two stools
بين شاقوفين
Cross that bridge when you come to it
بس يجي الصبي بنصلي على النبي
Cry over spilt milk
ضيعان جدي وقت اللي مات (this is adapted in the opposite sense)
Cut corners
قبور بيّك والحقني
Devil’s advocate
محامي الشيطان
Let the cat out of the bag
بق البحصة
Make a long story short
من الآخر
Not a spark of decency
ما منجّر ولا قدوم
Once in a blue moon
مرّة بطيز الزمان
Your guess is as good as mine
علمي علمك
Contributions from fellow Lebanese translators are welcome! Please post them in the comments section