Let it Pour! Heavy Rain around the World
Lebanon is witnessing its coldest weather this season so far, and I happen to have stumbled upon this photo which shows how countries around the world express themselves when it is pouring.
I do know the English and French ones. It’s interesting that we don’t have something similar in Arabic. We simply say “it is raining heavily” الأمطار تهطل بغزارة
On a funny note, we say “kebse” كابسة in Lebanese. I’m not sure how to explain it to my readers. It is not similar to the expressions in the photo shown above. This is a perfect example of how you cannot translate such expressions literally. Adaptation is key in this instance.
Anyway, just make sure you stay warm and dry! #Brrrrrrrrrr
Rocio Vascones
In Peru, we use the expression “llueve a càntaros”… Regards!