The Importance Of Oral Hygiene
Many people take their teeth for granted and only think about them when they are in pain. Teeth are the only parts of your body you will have for life, so it’s crucial to take care of them throughout your entire lifetime! It is important to maintain a healthy smile with proper oral hygiene practices. Here are the DO’S and DON’TS of oral hygiene.
Do Visit The Dentist Twice A Year
The dentist will check your teeth for any problems and recommend a dental hygiene routine. Oral health is one of the most important parts of overall health. If you do not have good teeth, it can affect many aspects of your life, including eating, sleeping, socializing with others, and can even lead to heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
Don’t Brush Your Teeth More Than Twice A Day
It would be best if you did not brush your teeth more than twice a day. If you do, it may lead to other problems such as gum damage and cavities. Additionally, brushing too hard can also cause enamel erosion over time, weakening the tooth’s structure and allowing bacteria to attack them easier. For best results, only use a soft-bristled brush and don’t brush too hard.
Do Use Products With Fluoride In Moderately
Fluoride is essential for your teeth but should be used in moderation. Fluoride will help strengthen the tooth’s enamel, but it can also damage them if you get too much on or around them. It’s safe to use a small amount of fluoride toothpaste but avoid these types of products if you have very sensitive teeth, gum disease, or any other dental problems.
Don’t DIY To Whiten Your Teeth
Many DIY blogs suggest brushing your teeth with baking soda and lemon juice. While this may be effective in some cases, it can also cause damage to your teeth by eroding the enamel over time. In addition, baking soda’s harshness is not compatible with everyone’s mouth and thus could potentially wear away what little bit you have of healthy teeth left!
Do Brush Your Tongue While Brushing Your Teeth
The tongue tends to accumulate bacteria, which leads to bad breath. Brushing your teeth is important but brushing your tongue at least once a day helps remove any harmful food particles that may have collected there and prevent them from decaying in between your teeth or encouraging the growth of plaque.
Don’t Drink Carbonated Sodas
Don’t eat too many sugary snacks or drink carbonated soda regularly. The sugar will sit in your mouth for hours and eventually lead to dental decay, tooth loss, etc. Studies have shown that even sparkling water can be bad for your child’s teeth. The sugar and acid combination causes cavities and erosion.
Do Consider Dental Implants
Dental implants are an effective way to replace missing teeth and help restore a healthy smile. They can also help with jaw pain or TMJ dysfunction, which missing teeth may cause. In addition, they look, feel, and function like natural teeth; they help conserve facial structure by preventing adjacent tooth movement and bone loss; In turn, your oral health will also improve.
Keeping your teeth healthy is not rocket science! However, a few simple things can go a long way toward making sure you maintain your pearly whites for life. In the end, teeth are an essential part of your life. The better you take care of them from a young age to adulthood, the easier it will be in the future.