Add More Of These Fruits To Your Diet in 2022
If this year you are looking for a new way to stay healthy and fit, there is one group of foods which should be at the top of your wish list: fruit. Unlike vegetables, fruit are fresh foods which tend to be sweet and have a pleasant flavor that most people enjoy, and this makes adding fruit into your diet this year a great idea. If you want to know where to start and which fruits are the best ones to eat this year, here’s our list to help you choose.
If you are looking for a fruit which is ideal to snack on every day and one which is low in fat but packed with antioxidants… say hello to blueberries. Blueberries have a lot of great benefits for the body and if you eat just a handful of blueberries every day you’ll be getting a healthy dose of a lot of things. There is a lot of vitamin C and K in these berries, they are high in fiber to aid digestion, they are packed with antioxidants and also manganese.
Apples are likely the first fruit which comes to anyone’s mind and they are one of the most widely eaten fruits in the world. Apples are incredibly healthy and if you can add one into your diet every day it can really bring you some wonderful health benefits. Apples are full of fiber, vitamin C, vitamin K and potassium making them a great addition to the body to negate the need for the doctors too often. Apples can widely reduce the risk of heart disease and they also provide the body with the tools it needs to fight cancer, allowing your next screening (MedComp Sciences) to go more smoothly.
When we think about common fruits, pomegranate might not be the first thing to come to mind, however pomegranates are actually incredibly healthy for the body and they provide us with a myriad of benefits. The antioxidant level in pomegranates is three times higher than in other fruits and things like green tea, and antioxidants are key for the body to fight off free radicals which can otherwise make us age at a more rapid rate.
If you love to enjoy summer fruits and the fun taste of them, you can count on mangos to give you everything you could possibly want. Mangos are yummy tropical fruits which can add a huge burst of flavour to sweet dishes such as sorbet and even savoury ones like salsa and grilled meats. Mango is full of vitamin C which keeps the skin youthful and glowing, and it is also full to the brim with fibre to aid digestion.
When you ask most people what their favorite fruit of all time is, most of them will give strawberries either as the top choice or in the top 3. Even though these fruits are fairly high in sugar, they also have a lot of benefits beyond this which makes them a great choice for a balanced and healthy diet. They have a lot of manganese, folate and vitamin C, as well as a hefty dose of fiber to help digestion. Like most other berries, strawberries have a lot of antioxidants which can help to reduce the risk of illnesses and strengthen the immune system. Either eating these berries or having water with fruit can be a great way to reap the benefits of this sweet berry.