How To Maximize Your Current Income In 2022
It’s that time of year again and we start to hear the same New Year’s Resolutions. Someone wants to lose weight, and oh, someone wants to make more money. But there are ways to set yourself specific financial goals this year that will really see your current income soar. You can make the most of your current finances without putting pressure on yourself to take on more work, or start a new job. Here’s how to maximize your current income in 2022.
Start Investing
For many of us investing sounds like a great idea, but we may not know how to start. Learn about investing through podcasts like Afford Anything, or take a free online course to find out more about it. Setting up a basic investment account and putting $50 in it is also a good way to begin. Make sure you only put in money that you can afford to lose. Investment is risky but has its benefits, as you can make your money work for you in addition to your existing income.
Get A Financial Planner
Financial planners such as Kevin Canterbury can help you streamline your existing finances so that you can easily manage your revenue streams. The role of a financial planner is to document, manage and create opportunities for you to expand your finances. They can help you identify areas where you can cut back on spending and explore different opportunities for investment with you.
Create An Emergency Fund
An emergency fund is an allocated amount of money set aside for unforeseen circumstances. Whether you need a new boiler or suddenly find yourself moving house, your emergency fund is there to take the pressure off your monthly paycheck. An emergency fund starts with whatever you can afford to put away each month, but the recommended final amount is up to three months’ salary.
Pay Off Your Debts
While saving and investing helps you secure and develop your income, debt is something that constantly detracts from it. Paying off things like the minimum payments on credit card debt ultimately works against you, as you are taking longer to pay off debt and will ultimately pay more in interest. Try and consolidate debt onto one credit card, and monitor what debts you currently have. If you’re struggling with debt, there are also helplines like Debt.org that can help you with free and impartial advice.
Set Up A Budget
A budget can help you identify what you are spending your money on each month. You might find areas you need to cut back on, or simply find that a budget helps you keep on top of your finances. A budget will ultimately help you maximize your income as you gain a greater insight into where it is going each month.
It is possible to make more of your current income without getting promoted or a new job. Investing can help make your money work for you. Financial planning and budgeting can help you strengthen the money you already have. Emergency funds and debt consolidation can reduce the impact of existing debts and unforeseen payments. We hope these steps have helped you identify opportunities to maximize your income in 2022.