How To Recognize Erb’s Palsy In Young Babies
Erb’s Palsy is a condition that can affect adults or babies, but it is most common in babies. The main symptoms include weakness and lack of motion in the arms. In adults, it is caused by trauma on the top of the shoulder or upper arm but in babies, it usually occurs during childbirth. If it goes undiagnosed, it can lead to long-term issues but if it is identified and treated early on, your baby will grow into a happy and healthy child. That’s why it’s important that all parents know how to spot the signs of Erb’s Palsy and what treatments are available. Here’s everything you need to know about the condition.
What Causes Erb’s Palsy
Erb’s Palsy in babies is usually caused by complications during birth. Babies that are delivered feet first have a higher risk of developing the condition because there is more pressure on their arms. Larger babies are also at a higher risk, and this is often caused by gestational diabetes, so it is important to manage blood sugar levels during pregnancy. In some cases, Erb’s Palsy is caused by mistakes during delivery or improper use of birthing tools. If you think that this is the case, you may need to get legal help and take out a medical malpractice claim. Although Erb’s Palsy cannot always be avoided, it is often down to mistakes made by medical professionals and when that happens, you need to take action.
What Are The Common Signs To Watch Out For?
There are a few common signs to watch out for, but they can be difficult to spot in babies. Usually, Erb’s Palsy affects the movement and feeling in the arms. Sometimes, babies experience total paralysis of one of their arms, so if you notice that they are only moving one arm, that’s a cause for concern. However, some babies may experience partial loss of motion rather than complete paralysis. So, it’s important that you pay close attention to the way that your baby moves around and watch for any differences in the movement of their arms. Numbness and loss of feeling in the arms is a symptom too, and it can affect your baby’s ability to grip things.
Often, the signs of Erb’s Palsy are not very obvious, so you need to keep a close eye on your baby and if you notice anything out of the ordinary, take them to the doctor right away. They will be able to use an EMG to measure muscle response and imaging studies to determine whether your baby is suffering from Erb’s Palsy.
How Is Erb’s Palsy Treated
The good news is that Erb’s Palsy can often be treated with physical therapy. Your doctor will give you physical exercises to do with your baby to help rebuild the nerves. It’s also important that you manage their general health and wellbeing by making sure that they sleep well and they eat properly.
Unfortunately, physical therapy doesn’t always solve the issue, in which case, you will have to discuss surgical options with your doctor.
It’s very important that new parents are aware of the potential dangers of Erb’s Palsy so they can catch the problem early and get it treated.