Why You Should Use Technology In Your Business Communication
There is no denying that effective business communication is critical to any workplace’s success. Companies in America and worldwide understand the importance of talking to their customers and employees clearly to promote collaboration. However, Project.co research reveals that 8 out of 10 people rate their company’s communication as average or poor despite believing it is essential. Luckily, you can boost your company’s communication in various ways using technology. Here are some reasons why you should leverage technology in your business communication.
- Improve your customer relations
It is no secret that businesses that have adopted various technologies in their business communication are light-years ahead of their competitors. Many companies now use bots on their Facebook pages to easily and quickly answer customers’ questions. It isn’t uncommon to encounter chatbots on companies’ websites also. Given that 82% of patrons consider an immediate response to their sales, marketing, and customer service concerns vital, chatbots are non-negotiable. Furthermore, you can leverage excellent video messaging applications such as Google Hangouts to communicate with clients internationally. Alternatively, you can develop a great app to communicate with your clients and improve the customer experience.
- Remote interactions
One of the biggest perks of technology in workplace communications is how easily you can now communicate with a remote workforce. This communication is vital because experts predict that future workplaces will rely more on remote workers. Indeed UpWork data predicts that 73% of all departments will have remote workers by 2028. Remote working interactions were impossible when companies relied on fax machines and landline phones. However, the numerous messaging applications and communication solutions allow for collaboration between remote workers successfully. Every type of organization benefits from reliable communication technology that permits interaction outside the boundaries of physical location. For example, a modern house of worship can use a church phone system to spread the faith and engage with people irrespective of their geographical locations, building stronger relations with communities worldwide. This technology also enables ministries and churches to streamline their administrative tasks affordably and seamlessly.
- Enjoy real-time interactions
Many experts agree that using technology in business communication promotes real-time interactions, which are key for businesses. Indeed, it is much easier to communicate with clients and colleagues quickly using messaging apps, video calls, or interactive displays than old-fashioned methods like fax and telephones. You can use countless apps for internal communication and interacting with others from different locations. For instance, Slack is an excellent chatting app with a great layout and interface that is well-streamlined. Similarly, you can use apps like Campfire to enjoy real-time password-secured group chats and Wrike as a great project management solution for small teams.
- Better security
It is no secret that technology becomes more secure the more it develops. In the past, using email communications, especially when they were sent throughout the organization without sufficient security, was a recipe for disaster. However, many of today’s leading apps leverage end-to-end encryption, meaning that only senders and receivers can read messages. Furthermore, the latest tablets, smartphones, and computers have leading security software implemented to increase their immunity to hackers. What’s more, you can even purchase security for Microsoft computers. These security advancements mean that fewer emails are likely to be hacked. Also, external programs typically require login passwords and have encryption, making them safer.
- Promote sustainability
It is, without a doubt, more sustainable to leverage technology to communicate with colleagues and clients than using paper. Although many people don’t send physical letters in today’s world, it may surprise you to know that we use more than 12.5 million tonnes of paper and cardboard annually, a large chunk of which is in the office. Consequently, it is prudent to explore numerous strategies to cut back on paper in internal and external communications alike. For instance, save your paper and send people instant messages instead of leaving notes for them. Similarly, you can leave electronic sticky notes for yourself on your desktop instead of posting these notes on your computer.
Furthermore, technologies like Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) can also make your enterprise more sustainable. Businesses don’t need to obtain or maintain on-premise hardware when using hosted BPX. Also, VoIP can significantly reduce your office’s paper file requirements, like any other cloud service. This reality is because these systems have digital faxing methods, eliminating the need for physical copies of all documents. Finally, cloud VoIP that facilitates remote working ensures lower electrical output at the office, and fewer cars are on the road commuting.
- Increased versatility
Today’s business communication tools enable you to share ideas instead of sending messages and to-do lists. You can present these ideas in various ways, with the most popular format being presentations. They usually involve business development plans or solutions to problems the company faces. Today’s presentations have significantly evolved from basic PowerPoint files on a PC. Nowadays, you can use an interactive display to present them to relevant stakeholders in the company. Interactive displays create the perfect setting where viewers can easily see the screen and understand its details. Furthermore, these displays are touch-sensitive and allow for drawing using the right tools, making them a great way to communicate various messages.
- Financial savings
Your business can also save money by leveraging technology in its communications, so keep this in mind. Tasks that once required huge sums of money can now be completed with a simple touch of a button for less than a dollar. As such, small businesses can better compete with larger enterprises in the global market. For instance, before the rise of VoIP technology, it cost an arm and a leg to place a long-distance phone call. However, widespread VoIP and cell phone technology have guaranteed standard rates for local and long-distance calls. Correspondence is also much easier to conduct nowadays since you can leverage free email services instead of engaging a postal or messenger service to send your messages.
Indeed, technology is instrumental in business communication. Feel free to leverage it for the best results.