How To Stay Healthy In The Office
Working in an office is not a dangerous thing to do – dangerous jobs are those on construction sites or ones that involve using hazardous materials, or perhaps those that put people in harm’s way to help others (fire and police being prime examples). But just working in an office – no matter what department you happen to be in – isn’t dangerous at all. Or is it?
Well, in reality, office work can be dangerous, but probably not for the reasons you think. It’s usually down to the spaces being generally unhealthy ones to work in, and if people are there for eight or so hours a day, it’s likely those issues are going to affect them at some point. With that in mind, here are some ways to stay healthy in the office that might be useful to know about.
Move Around
One of the biggest dangers of working in an office is that you’re probably going to be sitting still for a number of hours at a time, staring at a computer screen – that’s just the nature of office work, at least for the most part. That’s a problem because your neck, back, hips, knees, and even ankles can all suffer when you’re not using them very much, and they’ll become stiff and painful. On top of that, you can have more chance of developing a blood clot, and you’ll find it harder to lose weight because you’re not moving around at all during the day. As you can see, this could add up to dangers in terms of your overall health.
To avoid these problems, all you have to do is get up and move around once in a while – once an hour is a good idea as it’s easy to remember and gives you enough movement to help you stay well. Just walk around the office or go outside if you have time, and then get back to work, and you’ll find you’re a lot more productive (and in less pain).
Keep The Office Clean
It shouldn’t come as a surprise to find that working in a dirty office is going to cause you some health issues and could potentially mean that you’ll have to take a lot of time off work. If a space is dirty, it’s going to be full of nasty germs and bacteria that are going to have a fun time attacking your immune system, and on top of that, working in a dirty environment just isn’t going to be an enjoyable thing to do – it’s going to be bad for morale.
That’s why you, your colleagues, and your managers need to take care to keep the office clean, perhaps by cleaning up after yourselves and also creating a Rota so that everyone takes their turn in vacuuming or washing up. If there’s no time, speak to your boss about hiring a janitor service that uses commercial cleaning software for your company to keep on top of things and save you time and effort.
Bring Your Own Lunch
Food can really be an issue when it comes to staying healthy in your office. You’re sure to be tempted by the various options around you, from restaurants to cafes to fast food. While these things are great once in a while, they’re not something you should be eating every day, as they’ll be bad for your health and your budget.
That’s why it’s far better to bring your own food to work with you. You’ll save a lot of money doing this, but you can also ensure what you’re eating is healthy – that’s going to help hugely.