How to Host Covid Safe Business Events
The Covid19 pandemic hasn’t been as disastrous for businesses as initially thought. In the end, it was just some adaptation that was required. But it’s true that it hasn’t been the smoothest journey in the world — and it’s also not entirely over, either. Today, businesses are beginning to open up a little more, and you’re even beginning to see the return of the events. There’s been some hesitation on behalf of some companies to host get-togethers, however, for understandable reasons. It is possible to host events safely, though, with a little bit of thinking. In this blog, we’ll look at how to do just that.
Pick the Right Place
There are some places that might have looked appropriate before Covid, but which now are most definitely not. If you’re going to have a safe business event, then it’s important that you pick the right place. Ideally, the event would be outside, but with the colder months on the way, that might not be possible (don’t rule it out, though!). Try to pick a large place that has plenty of ventilation and multiple entry points to avoid congestion.
Alternatively, you could organize virtual corporate events instead. This will ensure that everyone is as safe as possible, while also enabling attendees from around the world to join in.
Limit Capacity
And talking of avoiding congestion: be sure to limit the number of people that can come. We know, we know: you’d like to invite as many people as possible, but that’s just not a realistic ambition at the moment. It’ll be best to talk with the venue so they can tell you exactly how many people can be there while maintaining social distance. It might not be as many as you’d like, but it’s the best that we can do at the moment. You can play up to the limit capacity thing by making the event more intimate and personal, too.
Entry Precautions
The key thing will be making sure that people get it safely. It’s highly recommended that you look into renting a scanner for elevated body temperature. This will flag anyone who might have coronavirus before they can make it into your event. From there, it’s all about supplying the essentials, such as hand gel and gloves if applicable. As well as making sure that the event is safe, it’ll also give your guests peace of mind that you’re taking the threat of Covid seriously.
Live Stream It
Just because you can’t have everyone there, that doesn’t mean that you have to settle for just the number of people you have. If it’s possible, look at live streaming the event. You’ll get plenty of people tuning in, which is a great way to ensure that your message reaches as many people as possible.
Encourage Feedback
You can also encourage feedback for your guests. This will help with their peace of mind. For example, you can tell your guests to let you know if they see anything that isn’t safe, at which point you can take action. People do, unfortunately, break the rules, but you can’t always be there to spot it — but you can act on what other people tell you.