All You Need To Know About Getting Enough Sleep
We all know that sleep is a hugely important part of remaining as healthy as possible. But it is one thing to know that, and quite another to actually make sure that you are getting as much sleep as you can – and once you add in trying not to oversleep, the whole thing becomes even more complex! In this post, we are going to take a look through some of the essential things that you need to know about if you are trying to ensure you get enough sleep. You should find that the following really helps in being able to do that right.
The Importance Of Sleep
First of all, let’s take a look at just why it is that sleep is so important for your health. Your body and your brain need rest on a regular basis, especially at the end of each day, and if they don’t get it then you are going to struggle to be able to feel truly rested. Your body will undergo a variety of negative changes over time if you frequently and consistently go without enough sleep, all of which can add up to make you considerably less healthy mentally and physically.
In the short-term, not sleeping enough will make you feel fatigued and tired, and stressed out. It could also lead to you having a short temper. You might find it hard to focus or concentrate on anything that you might need to concentrate on. This can be annoying and, if you are driving a car for instance, it can also be deadly. But the occasional night without sleep is not generally going to harm your health that much. What is much more concerning is going without sleep regularly or frequently, and that is something that you should definitely try to avoid.
If you go without sleep on a more regular basis, you will find you have more severe brain fog, meaning that you struggle to think clearly even if you are not focusing on anything with any great amount of effort. Your concentration will likely be in tatters. You may experience increasingly troublesome depression, and your risk of injury or having accidents will increase the less that you are able to sleep.
Then, in the very long-term, having too little sleep might mean that you become more prone to some of the more serious medical conditions. This can include obesity, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and a range of other conditions that you would obviously rather do without! All of this is clearly the kind of thing you would rather avoid, so it is important to make sure that you are getting enough sleep. But as well as knowing about the negatives, it might be wise to focus on the positive aspects of getting lots of sleep. Next up, we will look into exactly that, so you can feel more inspired to try and improve your sleepfulness and how much you are sleeping on the whole each night.
The Positive Benefits Of Sleeping Well
So what are some of the major benefits of getting plenty of sleep? There are actually quite a few that you might want to be aware of, and the more of these that you know about, the better a position you are going to be in. One of the most important benefits that you may enjoy is that having more sleep boosts your immunity considerably. With that, you are going to have far fewer illnesses and similar problems, and you’ll find that it is a lot easier to be generally very healthy. You can fend off bugs and germs much more easily with plenty of sleep.
But that’s not all that sleep does for you. It is also central to keeping your weight at a healthy level. When you have a healthy weight, all aspects of your health are improved. You are, again, much less likely to catch bugs and get ill in general, and you are also going to have a better immunity on the whole. If your weight is at the right level, you will also find that your exercise has more of an impact, and that your metabolism is at a healthier level. And all of that can be achieved through simply getting enough sleep. Sleep-deprived people have reduced levels of leptin, which is the chemical that makes you feel full, and high levels of ghrelin, the chemical that boosts your hunger.
If you have ever had any problems with depression or anxiety, then you are going to find that getting more sleep can radically help with that too. That is true whether you have long-term mental health issues or just the occasional bout of it: in either case, getting enough sleep is going to make a huge difference to how you feel mentally on the whole, so it is definitely something to think about. There is a vicious cycle that you need to try and be free from here, which is that it is very hard to get more sleep when you are depressed or anxious, which then makes that depression or anxiety worse, and so on. Do all you can to cut that cycle at any point, and it will really help.
Sleep is also known to prevent diabetes, which is a terrible condition to have that can even lead to death in some cases. Missing out on deep sleep may lead to type 2 diabetes, because it changes the way the body uses glucose. You definitely don’t want diabetes, so this is important to bear in mind.
If you have more sleep, you’ll also have an increased sex drive, which is an important aspect for most people’s enjoyment of life, and therefore of your mental health. At the same time, your fertility will be improved, and you will find it easier to conceive a child if you are hoping to do that, whether soon or at some point in the future.
As you can see, there are plenty of reasons to try and get more sleep – but how do you actually do it?
How To Get More Sleep
Once you are aware that you might need to get more sleep, you need to ask yourself how it is going to be possible. No matter who you are, it is always going to be possible to get more sleep, even if you have to try out a few different methods all at once. Over time, you will be able to make the right improvements as you go along, so it is definitely something that you can do if you put your mind to it.
There are certain lifestyle changes which you might want to make, to begin with, or some lifestyle issues that you are going to need to be aware of, in any case. For instance, if you have recently become a parent, then this is one thing which is famously going to interrupt your sleep levels considerably. You may find there are times when your sleep matches up with your baby’s sleeping patterns, so seeking tips for surviving sleep regression is a really important thing to do here.
In general, you can get more sleep by attending to a few essential concerns. First of all, make sure that you are eating right, not too much and not too little, and ideally as little processed food as possible. You should also aim to keep your caffeine and alcohol intake as low as possible, as these are two substances which really do affect your ability to sleep each night. Make sure you are getting plenty of exercise, and especially in the afternoon if you have not been sleeping very well and you want to improve that situation as fast as possible. Whatever kind of exercise it is, it is going to help you sleep better and deeper.
As well as doing all that, take care of your mental health. Deal with worries that crop up as and when they occur, so you have less to be anxious or worried about at night. Make sure that you are not doing anything to radically worsen your psychological wellbeing, in general. These are all the kinds of things that can really make a huge difference to how much sleep you get on the whole, so be sure not to overlook them for how simple they may sound. They will really help you out.
Finally, be sure not to overwork yourself. A lot of people find themselves thinking that working hard is likely to lead to better sleep, as you will be more tired. But this turns out not to be the case. In fact, you are much more likely to have trouble sleeping if you are always working hard, so you should focus on trying to limit your amount of work hours as much as possible. That in itself is going to lead to huge improvements in your mental wellbeing, and your ability to sleep as much and as deeply as you would hope.